Friday, 21 October 2011

Friday, 14 October 2011

Taking a petition of HIV/AIDS Control Bill 2010 in the 8th parliament.

It was a celebrating day to the homosexuals of Uganda on 8th Febaury 2011, when the human rights activists of Uganda took a petition to the parliament of Uganda in the 8th parliament for the HIV/AIDS control bill which was tabled by Mr. David Bahati the NRM member of parliament. The Bill was criminalizing the monirity people and also leads to death penality.

It was a blessing to Uganda Health and Press Association plus Transgender Equality Uganda who are partners and their allies as well.
Director of Transgender Equality Uganda addressing the problem of transgender in Uganda and explains to the media houses the problems of transgender women. She explained that the HIV/AIDS Control Bill 2010 criminalises the homosexuals in Uganda. When is Uganda is a signatory to the International Covenant of Economic, Social and Culture Rights which gives right to freedom, right to privacy, right to enjoy life and even access treatment without discrimination among the people because of their sexual orientation.

Transgender Equality uganda



TEU has the following vision: Addressing the neglected human rights of Trans-women in Uganda. Mission: Engage in activities that promote awareness about TW as well as addressing their human rights.

Goal: To make TEU a safe space for trans-women.

1.      Ensure registration of TEU and establish an organisation of TWs.
2.      Mobilise TWs of Uganda into action groups.
3.      Engage Government of Uganda, Religious and Traditional Leaders in addressing TWs.



TRANSWOMEN are affected due vulnerability, are attacked by men/women, are faced with eviction from Villages (case of Beyonce, in 2011), risk of exposure to infections and neglect         (case of a TRANSWOMEN in Kabalagala who died in 2010 after being left without care in his house). TRANSEQ-UG has come in timely to address issues and contribute to Uganda’s response to TRANSWOMEN issues.

ACTIVITIES 2011-2016:

1.      Establish TRWOBU as an NGO addressing TW issues in Uganda BY 2012.
2.      Identify and design plans for reaching out to all beneficiaries.
3.      Work with grass-root based beneficiaries in designing organisation development activities.
4.      Design HIV/STIs programmes and tools to address the problems identified.
5.      Provide documentation on abuses faced by TWs.
6.      Engage Ugandan communities in dialogue and addressing TW issues.


  • Provide support towards registration.
  • Provide facilitation for rent of office space and remuneration of 8 staffs
  • Carry out reach out to TWs in Uganda.
  • Establish a resource/Drop-in Center
  • Conduct safe space activities: counselling TWs and providing support meetings as a form of self esteem building.


The TW story in Uganda is commonly talking about: corrective rape, neglect, eviction from homes, community assault and lack of structures for reporting abuses against TWs.


TW women in Uganda are increasingly facing media attention and as a result the society is increasingly aware of TW issues. TEU will be in a position to bring to the fore issues of TWs.


The following will be the achievements:

  1. A process for development of a TW organisation in Uganda.
  2. Designing activities targeting TW.
  3. To generate issues of TW.
  4. To engage Policy and Programme level stakeholders in addressing TW issues.
  5. Integrate anti-violence issues to address TW needs.